It’s been quite a year, hasn’t it?

In January, we realized that sometimes “Happy New Year” just isn’t enough.

In February, we grieved for someone we’d never met.

In March, we lost dear Kara Tippetts, the brave fighter and mother, who found her sweet relief in Jesus.

In April, we learned the secret to changing the world.

In May, we remembered the beauty of friendship — and agreed that nobody’s cuter than you.

In June, we got to chat with the delightful Trillia Newbell, author of Fear and Faith: Finding the Peace Your Heart Craves.

In July, my girl turned ten, and I might’ve gotten a little sentimental about the whole thing.

In August, we had our first ever Five Minute Friday Retreat! It was such a gift, and God did some amazing things over the course of the weekend.

In September, we enjoyed a six-week discussion on the book, On Being a Writer: 12 Simple Habits to a Writing Life that Lasts, by Ann Kroeker and Charity Singleton Craig. Click here to read some fantastic discussion points, watch videos from the authors, and check out posts linked up from a number of participants.

In October, we survived our second annual 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes.

In November, we shared our fall fiction favorites, and had the pleasure of interviewing Deidra Riggs about her book, Every Little Thing: Making a World of Difference Right Where You Are

In December, we celebrated the one-year anniversary of the release of Letters to Grief.


Besides the weekly Five Minute Friday posts, here are the most popular posts of the year.

Top Posts of 2015: 


1. Secrets of a Charmed Life :: A Review


For the first time ever, a book review was the most-clicked post on this blog at the end of the year. I continue to get clicks on this post every day of the week.


Kind of makes you want to read the book to see what all the fuss is about, doesn’t it? 


Click here for to learn more. 


2. An Open Letter to the Future

I don't know what tomorrow holds. But I


3. Books to Read this Season :: 2015 Edition

4. On Being a Writer :: Identify

5. On Dying with Dignity


Thank you for being here, and for reading throughout the year!

What would you like to see on the blog in 2016?