Looking for a captivating book?
A Place to Land is a globe-spanning memoir that wrestles with the question, ”Where is my home?” Kate Motaung watched ”home” slip away again and again–through her parents’ divorce, a foreclosure, two international moves, ten rental homes in ten years, and her mother’s terminal battle with cancer. Add in the challenge of a cross-cultural marriage, and Kate was constantly adapting to a new environment. Through her experiences, you’ll realize–as she did–that no matter where we go or what we do, this world is not our home.
From the back cover of A Place to Land:
So was I heading home? Or not? The conflicting voices in my head kickstarted a long-lasting soul search.
Heavyhearted, Kate boarded the plane to fly to her mother’s funeral. When a woman in the next seat asked, “Are you heading home?”, Kate wasn’t sure how to respond. An American Christian living in South Africa with her native-born husband and children, she was flying to Michigan where she had grown up. Kate stammered an answer, but wrestled with the question, “Where is my home?”
This is the story of a woman who watched “home” slip away again and again—through her parents’ divorce, a foreclosure, two international moves, ten rental homes in ten years, and her mother’s terminal battle with cancer. Add in the challenge of a cross-cultural marriage, and Kate was constantly adapting to a new environment. When home is supposed to be synonymous with love and comfort and safety, unpredictable and unwelcome life events—even the chosen but challenging ones—can shake you to your core.
“But maybe this tension is how it’s supposed to be,” Kate writes. “Maybe this home isn’t meant to feel safe. Perhaps we’re supposed to squirm in discomfort and groan with longing for the only place where moths and cancer ‘do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.’”
Journey with Kate across two continents to answer one of life’s great questions: no matter where we go or what we do, this world is not our home.