Welcome to Day 13 of 31 Day of Five Minute Free Writes!

We’re writing for five minutes a day during the month of October using one word prompts. The prompts were selected at random from votes submitted by Heading Home readers. To see the full list, click here.

Today’s word is: PATIENCE …

Setting my timer for five minutes, and … GO.


It’s quite possibly the most frequent prayer I pray:

Lord, help me to be patient.


Lord, help me not to be angry.


I lack patience. Quite severely. It’s a deficit that hourly needs to be refueled.

So today, I’d like to share a prayer for all of us who need to ask the Lord for more patience from above.

[Tweet “Lord, help me to be patient. “]

You know how desperately I need you. I sin so often in this area. Please forgive me.

Give me the patience I require to deal with my children in love. Help me to answer them with kindness, not harsh tones. Help me to put their needs above my own.

I know my lack of patience stems from my own selfishness. When I’m not getting what I want in that moment, I start to fume on the inside.

Show me my selfishness before I lash out. Give me a servant’s heart. Cause me to be second in all things, never first.

I pray for patience in the trials of life. In the days that are hazy and unclear. Give me patience when your voice is quiet.

Teach me to wait well.


Teach me to wait well



[Tweet “Teach me to wait well. Help me to trust that your timing is always perfect.”]

Give me the strength to “be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer” (Romans 12:12).

I know that patience is a fruit of the Spirit. I know it doesn’t come naturally to this wandering heart. I need You to put it there, and to let it be manifested in me, through you.

May you alone get the glory for any patience I display, for the glory is yours, and yours alone.
