Over a year ago, I attended my first Christian writers conference. It was a big deal, taking a wobbly step of faith toward the belief that God wanted me to pursue this writing thing.

As I drove home after a glorious three days of extremely helpful insights and inspiration from experts in the field, I asked the Lord why He led me to that conference.

Immediately the song, “Where I Belong” by Building 429 came onto the radio.

The chorus precisely spelled out the main premise of a memoir I had been working on for a while:

All I know is I’m not home yet
This is not where I belong
Take this world and give me Jesus
This is not where I belong

It felt like a confirmation that God wanted me to keep going with the message I wanted to write.

Just after the song ended, the next one began: Storyteller, by Morgan Harper Nichols.

The mountain where I climbed
The valley where I fell
You were there all along
That’s the story I’ll tell

You brought the pieces together
Made me this storyteller
Now I know it is well, it is well
That’s the story I’ll tell

I pulled my car into an empty parking lot and grabbed a notebook and pen. I had to capture the moment. The timing of those two songs couldn’t have been more perfect.

Has that ever happened to you?

This past week, it happened again. I was so surprised to find an excerpt from my chapter of Craving Connection in the new Illustrated Faith devotional kit from DaySpring.


Photo credit: incourage.me


Given the recent news headlines, it was no small coincidence to have words that I wrote several months ago appear at such a time as this:

“How can we love beyond the gate? How can we love beyond the gates of racial differences, of country borders, of economic brackets?”


craving connection


After feeling discouraged about the state of affairs in our country and the world, God gave me this reminder in my mailbox that He is bigger than all of it. He’s bigger, and He’s in control, and He’s using His people to be His hands and feet in this dark and broken place.

He’s using the gifts and creative expression of His children to bring hope and color and truth through His Word.


The Illustrated Faith kit is a great way to express the creativity He has given you and connect it to the power of Scripture.

Grab your own Craving Connection Illustrated Faith Kit here!


Photo credit: Illustrated Faith

This post was sponsored by DaySpring and contains affiliate links.


How has God’s perfect timing shown up in your life?

How has He used words to encourage and bless you?

How can you use your creative gifts to express your devotion to Him and grow in His Word!

Share your story in the comments!