Have I told you lately how much I adore this community? I really do.

Thank you for making Five Minute Friday what it is — so much more than just a weekly link-up. It’s a welcome mat. A gathering space. A safety net spread out to catch those on the verge of falling through the cracks. An open door, with sunlight and fresh breeze streaming in.

It would be none of those things without you. So, thank you. From the bottom of my heart.

If you’re new here, we are THRILLED to have you join us. Learn more about Five Minute Friday here, and let yourself be drawn in!

This week’s Five Minute Friday prompt is:




[Tweet “Join us for a five minute free write on the word, UNITE! “]

Ready? GO.


This past weekend, I had the absolute pleasure of being with a number of dear writing friends in person!




The Five Minute Friday crew was well represented, including Leah Everson, Ashley Hales, Janel, and Christy!



(Do you recognize Charity Singleton Craig & Ann Kroeker,

co-authors of On Being a Writer?)




Christy and I started the week right with a trip to my all-time favorite, Captain Sundae. On Wednesday, we were wearing winter jackets and scarves; by Sunday, Janel and I were in tank tops, having just come back from the beach:




We gathered for the Festival of Faith and Writing, and the atmosphere was energizing. Word lovers and Jesus lovers spurring one another on, squealing and hugging and clapping for each other.

There’s something beautiful about being together. Not in isolation, but united.

Last week, as I was reading a daily devotion from Paul David Tripp’s book, New Morning Mercies, I was reminded how much I need people in my life. Tripp writes, “… your walk with God is a community project. The isolated, loner, Jesus-and-me religion that often marks modern church culture is not the religion that is described in the New Testament.”

God made us into a body on purpose. He made us in His image — the image of a triune God, who has continual fellowship within Himself, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

It’s a mystery, but we need God and each other.

[Tweet “As the people of God, we’re better together. “]


Better Together - Pillow Cover

Product from Dayspring – Click image for more info

We All Belong - Inspirational Globe(Pillow cover and globe from Dayspring — click images for more info)


These days, when I look around, even the United States of America feels anything but united. I see backbiting, protesting and brokenness around every corner, and it pains me.

In my opinion, there’s only one answer: Jesus.

[Tweet “God is the one who unites.”]

He is the one who unites, and He is the one who gives us the precious gift of each other.

A gift for which I’ll always be grateful.




How have you benefited from having other people in your life? 


Recommended Resources: 

On Being a Writer, by Ann Kroeker and Charity Singleton Craig

New Morning Mercies, by Paul David Tripp

United: Captured by God’s Vision for Diversity, by Trillia Newbell


book collage 5


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Share your own five minutes of free writing below! And don’t forget to visit the person linked up before you to leave some encouragement in the comments! Thanks for being here!

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