Hey everyone ~
So happy to be back with you for another round of Five Minute Friday! I really do adore you guys — you know that, right?
If you’re new to this gig, feel free to click right over here to get the scoop.
I must apologize for not reading or commenting on many posts you’ve linked up in the past three weeks. As some of you know, I fell and split my head at the end of December, and I’m still struggling with some post-concussion symptoms. Sadly, looking at the computer screen tends to aggravate some of the symptoms, hence my limited attention to your beautiful words and my absence from some of the Thursday night #fmfparty Twitter parties! Please accept my humble apologies! I hope to be back to full swing very soon.
In much more exciting news, guess WHAT??
Our very own Kaitlyn Bouchillon wrote a book, and it’s now available for pre-order!! I’m SO excited for her, and can’t wait to read it!
It’s called Even If Not: Living, Loving, and Learning in the In Between, and you can pre-order it here! (affiliate link)
I know many of you are on the launch team for this book, and I’ve loved the quotes I’ve seen popping up on social media so far! Well done, Kaitlyn! I pray that the words in this book will bless many and bring much glory to God.
One more happy piece of news before we write:
I’m thrilled to be able to offer a special discount code to you, exclusive to readers of this blog!
Get 10% off ANY Krafty Kash product using the code KATEMOTAUNG
Visit kraftykash.net to check out all your options!
Spread the word!
[Tweet “Get 10% off ANY @kraftykash product using the code KATEMOTAUNG! kraftykash.net”]
This week’s Five Minute Friday prompt is:
[Tweet “Join us as we write for five minutes on the prompt, QUIET.”]
Setting my timer for five minutes, and … GO.
The month of December didn’t exactly go as I had planned. It started off just fine — with Christmas decorations, and Ann Voskamp’s Advent devotional, including matching ornaments hung on the garland on top of our piano each night.
Then on December 9th, I got sick. As in, sicker than I can ever remember being in my life. I spent two days in the hospital with test after inconclusive test, and the closest guess I got in terms of a diagnosis was a viral heart infection combined with carbon monoxide poisoning. Awesome combination.
On my worst days, I needed help walking ten steps from my bed to the toilet. On my best days, I was strong enough to hold up my phone long enough for a game or two of Candy Crush, but I definitely couldn’t hold a book or type on my computer.
Those were long, helpless days. I grew discouraged. Lying for hours on end without being able to do anything at all was so opposite to my personality. I like to be busy, to be productive, to be doing something. I was supposed to be decorating Christmas cookies, wrapping presents, singing carols. Instead, all I could do was lay flat. Some days, I barely had energy to shift from one side to the other.
I was forced to be still.
And then the verse came to me:
[Tweet “”Be still and know that I am God.” ~ Psalm 46:10″]
And I realized that sometimes, in order to be aware of His still, small voice, I need to be quiet.
Sometimes His best work happens in the waiting.
Time’s up, but I feel I should add my gratitude to the Lord for bringing me out of that valley. The first day that I actually felt pretty good, I stepped outside, fell backwards and split my head open on a brick step. That was a month ago, and I’m still struggling with dizziness and nausea, but starting to have more good days than bad. Nonetheless, it has meant even more days and hours lying very still and flat in the quietness of my room, unable to check of any tasks on my To Do List. Thank you to all who have prayed and shown understanding during this unusual season of quiet! So grateful for each and every one of you!
[Tweet “Come link up your own five minutes of #writing on the word, QUIET.”]

Oh, my! I’m so very, very sorry Kate. I can totally relate to the frustration of not feeling well when you’re accustomed to being the doer who gets things done! May you continue to feel better each day and may the Holy Spirit bring you comfort in your quiet and busy and frustration. Hugs!
Thanks, Anita! Grateful that I’m feeling stronger each day, and that the concussion symptoms are becoming less frequent. Good to see you here, as always!
this reminded me so much of Christine Caine’s book “Unstoppable”. She too was placed flat on her back for a time and God used it intentionally. You are a joy and a blessing, and I hope to meet you this side of heaven. You have been kind and generous and I truly feel loved and appreciated by you and the community you have helped foster at FMF.
Thank you for sharing such a poignant post.
I recently read an Ann Voskamp Facebook post and it began with the word “Pause”. It was exactly what I needed to do. I felt so busy and rushed and it was as if I could use a remote and just click “pause” and stop it all for the moment and allow God to meet me there.
This was an excellent prompt!
Thank you for being here, Tammy! Your presence is so appreciated. Thanks for referring me to that book, and Ann’s post as well. Yes, sometimes we need to just pause everything to be able to better focus on our Lord. Hope you have a fantastic weekend, friend!
Kate, I’m so sorry you were THAT sick! 🙁 It’s scary and frustrating to know you have a family to care for, Christmas to prepare for and commitments to keep. But God does have a way of helping us. I loved what you said here: “in order to be aware of His still, small voice, I need to be quiet.” Such truth here. And so hard to live out sometimes.
I’m heading into a season of forced stillness. I’m going to be thinking on your words here. And Psalm 46:10 is one of my verses I pray every night before sleep comes. 🙂
I pray that your season of stillness with be a blessing in many ways, Jeanne! May you know the Lord’s presence in your life as you look to Him. Thanks for reading and commenting!
Girl, you have had it going on! Thank you for pressing through and leading this community. Supernatural strength, for sure. Praying for your days with your kiddos and your quiet moments of rest. (Hugs)
Thank you, Christina! Always a delight to have you here. Enjoy your weekend!
how horrible kate!!!:( i had no idea were so sick. it’s an awful way to be forced to be quiet. i’ll be praying for you to recover soon. blessings kate as you are quiet. martha
Thanks Martha! It’s getting better, just not completely gone. I appreciate the prayers! Blessings on your weekend!
Through this past week I’ve had a similar experience–though not nearly so drastic!–with an intestinal virus (“flu”) that just won’t quit–and my response has been just like yours. When we place so much value on productivity, this kind of thing can be utterly discouraging. But I think you’ve nailed it: that in that time that seems to us just wasted, wasted, He’s gotten us finally to hold still so He can make *His* best work happen in us. In quiet. “In the waiting.”
So sorry to hear you’ve been struggling, Sylvia! It can be very frustrating to be forced into stillness, but yes, He always uses it for our good! Praying now that you will be fully recovered soon!
So sorry to hear you’re still struggling. You’ve been amazingly present, especially considering all you’re going through. Thankful God has been ministering to you through the enforced quietness. He always works what is meant to harm us into good.
BTW I’m going to link up a post on quietness in Presence, but it was written as a guest post for incourage.me, so goes over 5 minutes. If you feel it’s inappropriate please feel free to delete it. I’m going to retreat into quietness myself, but willingly, the next two weeks, for prayer and fasting (also from social media) with my church.Will miss you all next week.
Just realized I forgot to link back to #FiveMinuteFriday in my post: rectified it now. Sorry!
No problem at all, Anna! Thanks for doing that!
Thanks for letting me know, Anna! I love (in)courage! I pray that your time of quiet is a great blessing to you, and that you’ll be keenly aware of the Lord’s presence during that time. We’ll miss you!
Thanks, Kate! You’ll be in my prayers.
I did not realise that you had been so ill. How frustrating. But as yousay, God needed you to be still.
Kate bless your heart. I have fallen many times but never split my head. Hope you get better soon. Thanks for sharing the FMF #. Looked for all of you last night and didn’t find you on twitter.
Oh, sorry you didn’t find us Debbie! Yes, we’re at #fmfparty on Thursday evenings, usually from about 8:30-10:00pm EST. My Twitter handle is @k8motaung. Hope to see you next time! Thanks for being here!
Two months down? Hard places, Kate. Glad to hear you are well on your way to wholeness. Prayers and Love.
I’m glad too, Susan! Thanks for reading and commenting! Always a delight to have you here.
Praying that you will be feeling completely well very soon and that you will continue to feel God’s presence as you’re being quiet and still.
I appreciate your prayers, Cathy! Blessings to you.
This is my first time here and I love this already!
I hope your feeling better and that healing continues to progress.
Oh yay! Welcome! We love newcomers! I hope it’s the first of many!
Oh Kate! May the Lord heal you completely and restore you to 100% soon! Take it easy and rest! ❤️
Thank you, Michelle! Coming from a nurse, I appreciate the well wishes! 😉 And yes — rest is good. 🙂
Hey Kate! I am so glad that you were able to find a positive in such a hard time. I understand the kind of sick your talking about oh so well. I hope that you recover fully soon and thanks for inspiring so many to write each week, Be blessed !
Thank you, Richetta! Sorry to hear that you understand, though! :-/ Lovely to have you with us!
Oh Kate, I’m so sorry to hear about your enforced Quiet. I hope you’ll be back to normal soon.
And thanks for the prompt “quiet.” I didn’t join in last night because my daughter said, “Mom, let’s watch a movie,” And I thought that was a bigger priority at the moment. Family time.
I wasn’t going to write, but this morning when I saw the prompt, I was drawn in, and God encouraged me as I wrote. Thanks.
Good choice to watch the movie! I’m glad you had some quality time with your girl. Also glad you were prompted to write this morning! 😉 Hope you have a blessed weekend!
I don’t usually participate in the Twitter and such and didn’t realize you had such a terrible accident. I will be praying for your healing.
I appreciate that Sara, thank you!
Kate, may the mighty hand of God hold you close as He heals you. Thank God we can turn to Him in faith, knowing He is with us every step of the way!
Amen, Susan! Great to see you here, as always!
Kate, I’m so sorry you’ve been ill and hope you are recovering. God excels at giving us what we need and using uncomfortable experiences to sneak in and present us with gifts we never knew to request. Sounds like this time of quiet is that kind of gift. I’ll keep you in my prayers.
Thank you, Drusilla! Your words are a comfort. Grateful for your presence here! Blessings to you.
Kate – praying that you feel better and get stronger with each passing day!
Thank you, Joanne! I appreciate that so much!
Wow, you’ve really had quite the season of difficult. I’m glad you’re feeling better. I have lived through many seasons of waiting (unrelated to health) and in looking back see how clearly God worked. In the waiting often more so than in the arriving. Take care, and thanks for hosting each week.
It’s so true, isn’t it Joyce? He most certainly works in the waiting. Thanks for being here!
It sounds like quiet is just what you need! I can imagine it must be extremely frustrating. Life is relentless. I hope you’re able to get the rest you need and that you can take the time to allow yourself to recover. Glad to be able to join in the link up and to read your words.
Thank you! So glad you’re here! Enjoy your weekend!
Thank you, thank you for sharing the book!!! xo
Oh, Kate! I’m so glad you’re getting better! It’s so hard when things happen that immobilize you, especially when you’re a mom. Your job is such an important one with lots of to-do’s. I experienced a bit of immobilization for a couple of months during my third pregnancy, and without help from my beautiful sister and mom, my home would have fallen apart. 😉 So glad to hear you’re on your way to recovery. Blessings!
I came across the link up in my Twitter feed and have to thank you. It is exactly what I needed to get words on paper of events from the week.
I do hope that you are feeling better with each day! Quiet is one of those luxurys as moms we relish in when it is knocking on the door. I hope your weekend finds you enjoying more than 5 minutes of quiet.
Gentle hugs to you, Kate. I wasn’t aware of how serious your medical situation had been over the holidays. Praise God that you are on the mend. You’re an inspiration, friend.
~#117 this wk
Thank you, Lynette! I appreciate you!