

We all know that change is inevitable. Sometimes it’s welcomed — but often, it’s unexpected and disorienting. Whether we can prepare for it or not, we all respond differently to times of transition.

My kids are now 13, 10 and 8, and in their short lives so far, they’ve lived in six different rental homes on two different continents. They’ve gone from homeschooling to Christian school and back again. Their dad has held five different jobs with five very different work schedules. Many of their closest friends have moved away or relocated to the mission field.

Needless to say, they are not strangers to change. Overall, I like to think they’re quite flexible and adaptable in the midst of transition — but once in a while, the burden of change takes its toll.

Here are 7 tips I’ve learned about how to help children cope in times of change and transition:

1) Introduce your children to the God who never changes

Before change even knocks on the front door, it’s helpful to ground our children in the truths of God’s Word. People will disappoint us. Life is unpredictable. But God’s character and His promises will never fail us. Hebrews 13:8 tells us that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” What a comfort this is, not only to us as adults, but also for our children. When the storms of change swirl around us, Jesus Christ remains the same.


Join me over at for the rest of this article? Click here for the remaining seven tips on how to help your kids cope with change.

Related post: Girl Meets Change