The full seven years of her life collaborate into a frenzy of excitement as she runs from room to room, inhaling the luxury of the new holiday destination with unmatched exhilaration. She turns from the interior and faces a wall of sliding glass doors that reveal the breathtaking grandeur of the ocean just a stone’s throw away.
Without hesitation, she exclaims, “I could get used to this!”
My husband would say she is her mother’s child. But who can blame her? The magnificence of the surroundings is indescribable.
As we collectively stand in awe of the Lord’s provision to grant us such incredible accommodation, a louder, deeper gasp escapes her lips:
“A whale!”
Sure enough, through the spotless glass is a Southern Right whale protruding from the surface of the rolling sea.
We huddle around, pointing, gaping, mesmerized and awe-struck.
Time and time again throughout the course of the week, shouts could be heard, “Whale!” Each time, we would run for the window, camera in hand, to capture the momentous occasion before our eyes.
No matter how many times we saw the magnificent displays of our creative God, we never ‘got used to it.’ Each time was as though it were the first, and we marveled with equal measures of fascination and wonder.
Why isn’t this the case in everyday life? How is it that we have grown so used to the daily provisions of God that we forget to be amazed by His goodness? Is it not a miracle that we have food to eat multiple times a day? Is it not amazing that we have warm beds in which to sleep? Is it not purely His grace that we have family and friends to love and care for us? Is it not a mercy that we have the freedom to attend church, read His Word, and fellowship in public with other believers?
These graces are no less remarkable than the spotting of a massive marine mammal from the confines of a manmade structure upon the shoreline.
Let’s thank Him this day for His mercies, great and small.