All That We Carried: Book Review
I adored Erin Bartels' first book, We Hope for Better Things. It was gorgeous. As soon as I saw that her second book released, I snatched it up and devoured that one as well. While very different from her first novel, The Words Between Us was also delightful. So...
Books about Racial Equality and Racial Justice
Reading books (or listening to audio books) is a wonderful way to learn more about different perspectives, and to broaden your understanding of the experiences of other people. If you're looking to learn more about racial issues, here are some of my favorite books...
Bible Verses for Cancer Patients
At the end of 2019, my uncle was diagnosed with cancer and had to undergo seven weeks of inpatient treatment at a cancer treatment center about three hours away. I didn't know if I would see him while he was gone, but I wanted to do something meaningful to...
50+ Books by People of Color
Dear Fellow Reader, I believe in the power of words. I believe words can tear down, and words can build up. I also believe that both death and life are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). In 2017, I was convicted by the fact that the vast majority of the...
Books I Read in 2019 :: Book Recommendations for Your Reading List
Looking for book recommendations for your reading list? I've got you covered! I'm only six months late with my annual "Books I Read This Year" post. Work was busy for me in December, then our family took a lovely vacation just after Christmas, and I decided to let...
Free Books to Read with a Kindle Unlimited Subscription {Free Trial Offer}
Looking for free books to read? Sounds too good to be true unless you go to the library, right? Sign up for this free trial of the Kindle Unlimited Subscription from Amazon and start reading some amazing books for free! CLICK HERE TO START YOUR FREE TRIAL...
Aching for Home {Guest Post by Gina Butz}
It's my pleasure to welcome author Gina Butz to the blog today in celebration of the release of her book, Making Peace with Change: Navigating Life's Messy Transitions with Honesty and Grace (affiliate links used in this post). I've known Gina as a member of the...
Books I Read in 2018 :: Special Edition Link-up
It's that time of the year! It's time to share a recap of the books I've read in the past 12 months. If you've created your own list, I invite you to share it either in the comments or by adding your list to the link-up using the blue button at the bottom of this...
The Surprising Benefits of Losing Hope
“We’re out of options. There’s nothing left we can do.” We knew the day would come eventually—but that didn’t diminish the force of the blow. After four consecutive years of chemotherapy, my mom had run out of strains to try. Game over. I sat crumpled on one side...
Advent Devotional Recommendations for You and Your Family
It can happen to all of us. Despite our best intentions, we can get sucked into the commercial rush of the holiday season, and before we know it, December's gone. We blink, and we miss it. This year, let's determine a different way. Let's pause before the month...