31 days

Welcome to 31 Days — a writing challenge founded by The Nester, now hosted by Crystal Stine.

The challenge is to write a blog post every day in the month of October.

Anyone can join!


31 Days logo - 2015


In 2015, we had our second annual round of 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes. Over eighty people played along as we wrote for five minutes flat on different one word prompts every day in October. Catch the prompts, posts and link-up here!






Five Minute Free Writes button


October 2014 saw over 100 bloggers joining the fun as we held our first attempt at 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes.

Find the list of prompts and links to all participants’ sites by clicking here.






31 Days - 2014 logo


In 2014, my theme was 31 Days of Life in South Africa.

All posts were written in five minutes each, in conjunction with the Five Minute Friday writing community.

Prompts and links to posts can be found here.







In 2013, I wrote a series called Defining Home in 31 Days.

The contents page with links to those posts can be found here.