Welcome to this week’s round of Five Minute Friday!

As always, it’s such a pleasure to have you here!

Just to recap the past week’s announcements, we have some fun activities planned for you in the coming weeks!

First off, Christina Hubbard is hosting a special edition link-up this Tuesday, September 20th!

The theme: What’s Your Groove? Writing Playlist



The scoop: Create a playlist of tunes you listen to while you write, post on your own blog, and share with the rest of us through the link-up on September 20th! I can’t wait to be inspired by what you share! 😉

Learn more about the Writing Playlist Link-up over at CreativeandFree.com


And that’s not all! Speaking of Christina, she has graciously agreed to host the 3rd annual 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes!


Learn all about the challenge by visiting CreativeandFree.com!



All you need is five minutes a day. We’ll even give you prompts! How much easier can it get?


Click the image below to download a free black and white version of the list:



Go ahead and subscribe to Christina’s weekly newsletter and follow her on Twitter to make sure you don’t miss out on any details!


Inspired by the upcoming What’s Your Groove? Writing Playlist link-up,

… this week’s Five Minute Friday prompt is:



[Tweet “Come along and join Five Minute Friday as we write on the prompt, LISTEN!”]



I need to listen better.

To God, to my kids, to my own body.

I push on, push ahead, push, push, push, and the important things get pushed out.

Busyness is my excuse, and it’s self-inflicted. I think I can focus on multiple tasks at once, when really, I should devote my full attention to the person speaking, or the task at hand.

I’m not good at sitting still. To a fault. I’m convinced that my nature to do, do, do also impacts my ability to block out the peripheral and listen to the immediate needs of the person talking to me.

I listen well enough to answer appropriately, but am I fully engaged? Or is my mind wandering to the next thing I need to cross off my To Do List, or how I’m going to respond when it’s my turn to speak?

I spend too much time with my eyes on a screen–laptop, phone, whatever. And my kids notice. Half the time they have to repeat what they said, because I think I can read or type while I listen.

I can’t.

So this is me, purposing to be more intentional about listening well.



What about you? Is listening well one of your strengths? If so, what tips can you share?


Link up your own five minutes of writing on LISTEN below!

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