Hello, and welcome to Five Minute Friday!

Can you believe we’ve nearly reached the end of August?! Say it isn’t so!

How many of you have kids who went back to school already? (I won’t mention that mine only start after Labor Day …) 😉

Whatever your plans are for this weekend, I hope you have a wonderful time!

The prompt for this week was a suggestion from Mollie over at Faith in Plain Sight! Thanks, Mollie!

This week we’re writing on the word:


Cristina Re


[Tweet “Join us as we write for five minutes on the prompt, LOYAL!”]


Ready? GO!

I dare you to find someone who hasn’t been emotionally hurt or verbally wounded by someone else.

Do you think you can?

I would be very surprised if you could.

Sadly, it’s the nature of human beings, isn’t it? Even if we don’t do it intentionally, we still hurt people.

I suppose the worst is when the wound comes from someone you thought you could trust. Someone you love. It’s easy to place certain people up on a pedestal, almost to the point where we think they can do no wrong.

Perhaps they may even have a specific title, like pastor or counselor, and you think their job should make them immune to hurting others. But guess what? They’re sinners, too, just like you and me.

Jesus Himself chose not to entrust himself to any man, for He knew what was in the heart of man (John 2:24-25).

We would be wise to dismantle any disillusions, to lower any self-made pedestals, to realign our expectations.

Ultimately, our best bet is to place our hope and trust solely on the one who sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:14).

He’s the only one who will never leave or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6).

Place your hope in Jesus Christ, for He will never let you down. Ever.


[Tweet “Place your hope in Jesus Christ, for He will never let you down. Ever.”]


Thanks for being here, friends! And guess what? Only one more month until the Five Minute Friday book releases into the world! Spread the word! 🙂


It's a Five Minute FridayBOOK!(1)


[Tweet “What comes to mind when you think of the word, LOYAL? Share with us in five minutes or less!”]


Link up your own five minutes of free writing below, then circle back and leave a comment for your link-up neighbor!


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