Is this month absolutely FLYING by for anyone else, or is it just me? Sheesh!

For those doing Write 31 Days, how’s it going? The finish line is in sight! You can do it!

Need to get caught up on 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes? No problem, just click here.

And if you’re new to the Five Minute Friday scene, welcome! We LOVE us some newcomers!

Five Minute Friday - 4The gist of this fabulous community is this: We write. For five minutes flat. No backtracking, no editing, just write.

Then strap on your brave, post your words on your blog, link them up over here — then click around to visit the others! Have fun reading the posts linked up before yours, and be sure to leave some encouragement in the comments section.

That’s it!

I dare you to try it. If you don’t love it, I’ll give you your money back. Guaranteed.

We even have some limited edition Five Minute Friday tote bags!

Time is running out to snag yours! Orders will be accepted through October 31st. Bags will ship by November 30th.


FMF bags 1.2

 Limited offer!

Click the “Buy Now” button below to place your order!

[Tweet “Time is running out to order your Five Minute Friday tote bag!”]

Also, don’t forget to enter to win a $500 shopping spree from — thanks to Crystal Stine of the Write 31 Days community! is celebrating all of the amazing Write 31 Days readers who are supporting nearly 2,000 writers this October! To enter to win a $500 DaySpring shopping spree, just click on this link & follow the giveaway widget instructions.

Dayspring giveaway

For the month of October, the Five Minute Friday prompts are the top five words chosen in our 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes Readers’ Choice Awards.

The prompt this week is:




[Tweet “We’re #writing about JOY for Five Minute Friday this week … Join us? “]


Ready? GO.

In my freshman year of college, I shared a dorm room with my best friend from high school. In the afternoons, I worked for my roommate’s dad in a local church office.

At some point, my best friend and her dad decided I needed a nickname.

They brainstormed for a while, and after several failed attempts, my friend’s dad announced:

“I’ve got it. I’m going to call you Joy.”

He was a spiritual father figure to me, and wrote me this sweet note about how he prayed that I would grow into my new nickname, and truly experience the joy of the Lord as my strength.

Looking back, I see now that he didn’t choose to call me Joy because I was overflowing with that particular fruit of the Spirit.

On the contrary, it was an area in which I desperately needed to grow.

It had been a heavy year, and I was feeling the weight of many pending decisions about my future.

He didn’t call me Joy because I had arrived; he called me Joy in hopes that I would grow into it.

The thing is, we can’t go wrong with joy.

[Tweet “We can’t go wrong with joy.”]

I used to think joy was a bubbly, giddy emotion. Over the years, I’ve come to realize it’s much deeper than that.

It’s a deep-seated satisfaction. A contentment. A confidence that because of Christ and not my circumstances, it is well with my soul.

[Tweet “It is well with my soul because of Christ, not my circumstances.”]

May you, too, experience the joy of the Lord as your strength.

[Tweet “”The joy of the Lord is your strength.” ~ Nehemiah 8:10″]


Joy - FMF


[Tweet “Have you taken @AnnVoskamp’s Joy Dare?”]


Thanks for joining the fun this week! Hope you have a blessed weekend, filled with much joy!

[Tweet “Come link up your own five minutes of free writing on the prompt, JOY! “]

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