Hi everyone!

I hope you’re sitting down, because I’ve got some super exciting news to share with you in this week’s edition of Five Minute Friday. Read slowly, I don’t want you to miss a thing!

This week I’m thrilled to share this FMF Intro video interview with the lovely Holly Barrett.

[Tweet “Check out this FMF Intro video with @asheritah and @HollySBarrett! “]

It has been a sheer joy to get to know Holly a bit better these past few weeks, as we’ve worked together plotting and praying about a possible FMF Retreat. She has been a tremendous help to me, and I’m so grateful for her willingness to serve in this way!

Of course most of you are probably familiar with Holly already, as she is an active FMF community member, and is well known on Twitter as the faithful “early prompt prompter” during #fmfparty on Thursday nights. 🙂

Holly blogs at hollybarrett.org, where she hosts a weekly link-up called Testimony Tuesday — be sure to click over to check it out, and join her next week!

Without further ado, here’s Asheritah from OneThingAlone.com interviewing Holly (oh, and don’t forget to by clicking .. you’ll get first dibs on all the upcoming videos!)


(If you can’t see the video, click here.)


I know Holly mentions in her interview that she couldn’t share details about the FMF Retreat yet, but guess what?!


The first EVER Five Minute Friday Retreat is happening August 7th-9th just outside Nashville, Tennessee!


FMF Retreat 2015 logo


[Tweet “Save the dates! The first ever Five Minute Friday Retreat is happening August 7-9, 2015 in Nashville!! #fmfparty #fmfretreat”]


More details will be revealed in coming weeks, but in the meantime, save the dates!!

And go ahead and subscribe to this blog in the sidebar on the right, follow the Five Minute Friday page on Facebook, or follow me on Twitter @k8motaung so you don’t miss any info!


In the spirit of excitement for August, this week’s FMF prompt is:


FMF - Gather


If you’re new to Five Minute Friday, everything you need to know about it can be found right over here.

Ready? GO.


It’s been happening for years now.



Week after week, writers gather brave.


We huddle up and bait our hooks. We string sentences and fling the lines far and fast into the vast ocean called the internet.


It started with one bold step of faith back in January 2011 — a question, really: What can you write in five minutes flat?
And through the faithful labor of its founder, Five Minute Friday has been sustained.

The lamp continues to burn.


 [Tweet “Five Minute Friday is more than just a link-up. It’s a community. #fmfparty”]
We’ve laughed together and cried together. Prayed for one another and rejoiced over shared news. So far, it’s all been through the glorious connecter called the internet.
Until now.

[Tweet ” For the first time ever, we’re going to gather in person. In real life. #fmfparty #fmfretreat “]

Avatars will become faces colored by the sun, and there will be voices. Loud, laughing voices and quiet, reflective voices.
We’re gathering because this is more than just a weekly writing exercise. This has become an expanding circle of friendship and admiration, of encouragement and hope.
At long last, it’s finally happening. We’re going to gather beyond the screen.
And I can’t wait.




[Tweet “Join us as we GATHER around a single word, five minutes at a time. #fmfparty”]


Share your own five minutes on the prompt GATHER by clicking the inLinkz button below.

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