Calling all writers!
I have a challenge for you.
A big one.
Disclaimer: Should you choose to accept it, you may experience days in the month of October when you don’t like me very much.
It’s called 31 Days.
Maybe you’ve heard of it. Maybe you’ve even done it before. It’s a writing challenge doled out and hosted by The Nester every year in the month of October. You can read more about it over at the brand new site, Write 31 Days.
The challenge is to write (and preferably post on your blog) EVERY DAY in October.
Are you up for it?
What better way to sharpen and hone those writing skills, hey?
This year I’m adding a little twist for the Five Minute Friday crew — a challenge within the challenge, so to speak.
Here it is: Write a post every day in October in just five minutes.
It’s like Five Minute Friday every day in October.
Who’s with me?
If you’re game, here’s how it will work:
* You can choose whether or not you want to write on the same one word prompts I will be using. If you do want to use my prompt suggestions, you can find my list and schedule by clicking here.
* You have the freedom to choose the topic of your posts each day. You could choose a broad theme and try to stick within those boundaries; you could write fiction and keep adding to the story in five-minute snippets each day; the possibilities are endless, as long as you write each post within five minutes. 🙂
* There WILL still be the usual Five Minute Friday prompts and link-up that will be revealed and go live on Thursday nights at 10pm in October.
* Unlike the usual Five Minute Friday rules, you ARE allowed to edit these posts, but do your best to keep them within a typical five-minute word count.
* If you plan to participate, you will have to create a blog button. Last September, I didn’t even know what a button was, besides the ones on my husband’s work shirts, so if this part throws you into a frenzy, don’t despair. The Nester has some templates and more info for you to use right over here. I personally like to use the free services of PicMonkey to design my graphics.
* If you have your own topic that can be easily differentiated from others, you can use your individual button to add your introductory link to the 31 Days link-up. I will also have a link-up on this site on September 30th for any of you who are planning to write all of your posts in five-minute chunks, whether you have a theme or not.
Last year I wrote on Defining Home in 31 Days. This year my topic is 31 Days of Life in South Africa. You can also find some brilliant inspiration from last year’s themes over here.
Can’t wait to see what you guys come up with! Stay tuned for more details as the time draws closer. And yes, you are allowed to plan ahead and write in advance … or, you’re welcome wait till October and just fly by the seat of your pants. 🙂
So take a deep breath of bravery, muster up that courage, and ..
But today, I’m gonna take a wild guess and assume that you’re actually here for Five Minute Friday.
Am I right?
If it’s your first time linking up with this flurry of five-minute writers, everything you need to know is right over here.
It has been SUCH fun to read about so many newbies to this fabulous community. In fact, I’ve chosen one such first-timer as this week’s Featured Five Minute Friday. Everyone click over and show her some love, hey?
As an honorable mention, this refrain written by Marcy has stayed with me all. week. long .. “I’ll whisper you to the end of love.”
This week, the prompt is:
I was still a rookie in the game called marriage when the two pink lines on the white stick told me I wasn’t ready. My knee jerk reaction was myself, and I wasn’t ready to give up the life I knew to give new life to another. “But we’ve only been married four months,” I complained, “… and I’m only 23!”
The tears welled up in my mom’s eyes as she lay in bed, too weak to rise. My sister and I knelt on either side, and we all knew it was time. Time for her to stop the chemo treatments after four consecutive years.
Time for her to resign herself.
And she was ready.
Not ready to leave her girls behind, but ready to give up her life on earth in exchange for life eternal.
Ready only because of the selfless sacrifice of One who gave up the life He knew to give life to His children. He alone was her anchor of hope, firm and secure.
And by His grace He made me ready. Ready for her suffering to end, and mine to begin in a whole new way, until we meet again in glory.
Writing this post made me realize afresh that while I may not feel ready for any number of things from day to day, there is really only one thing in life we need to be ready for.
Are you ready?
Link up your posts below …

Two contrasting moments….one of joy (okay, maybe more like WHAT IN THE WORLD??…but leading to joy!) and one of sadness. Beautiful descriptions, Kate.
And…super excited for this craziness called #31Days! Can’t wait to read all this Five Minute Free Write fun!
Thanks for the continual encouragement, Jen! Always love seeing your face appear in my comments! And yes, also so excited for the crazy madness of 31 Days, and for how similar our topics are this year!!
Ok, bit, by bit, you’re inspiring me to do the 31-Day challenge…. On another note, I’m so sorry for the loss of your mommy. Cancer is a horrible stealer of loved ones. I can’t wait for heaven where all will be made new.
So tell me what I need to do to chip away at those last bits of resistance so you’ll cave and agree to jump on the bandwagon. 😉
And thank you for your ongoing encouragement. Your comments each week are such a blessing. Happy weekend (and 31 Days Brainstorming) to you! 😉
Well, now that you’ve put a five-minute-a-day time limit on it…I’m almost ready to take the leap. I really need to do something like this. I’ll spend some more time tomorrow looking and planning and then I’ll be ready to commit ;).
Love it! I’m already about halfway through writing my 31 days posts but I always keep Friday open for a FMF post, because I just have to write some of them “live” 🙂
Oh yay! (And well done, you planner, you!) 😉
I’m not only ready for today’s 5 minutes, but I’ll call your challenge and raise you November. 🙂
Haha .. LOVE it! (Although, I think by November, I’ll be ready to fold!)
Those are powerful words that create an even more powerful word picture. Cancer. It sucks and it is such a reminder of the fallen world we inhabit here. I love your spirit and I love your words. Thank you for always being willing to bare your heart in your words. It’s inspiring and refreshing.
And, wow! The 31 day challenge. That is something I’m tempted to take up for October. Because there is so much prowling around in my life right now that five-minutes of daily writing might just make all the difference. Hmmmmm.
I hope I am up for your challenge….five minutes a day and with your prompts makes it sound do-able.
Beautiful! I am considering what I should do for the 31 days of writing. I’ve participated the last 3 years and I really want to this year. I don’t seem to have much energy so I will pray about joining you!
Wow 31 days..? mmm very tempting! Thanks for sharing your powerful story today, Kate – I also lost my mum to cancer, but remember the glory, peace and joy on her face toward the end. She was so near to heaven… You say it well ‘there is really only one thing in life we need to be ready for.’
Your challenge is certainly something to think about – after all it should take only five minutes a day 🙂
Kate, this post moved me to tears. Although my parents continue to be blessed with good health, I realized so deeply over the summer that they are aging. And I am so not ready. Like you, I am so grateful death is only temporary. Your 31 days sounds wonderful. I so look forward to reading the posts. Love joining you on Fridays! Blessings!
Just yesterday I was thinking about beginning to to write again on my blog. I think it’s been nearly a year. I just may join you!
So…I’ve decided to take a break, for the rest of September. I had tried to to the 31 Days last year, or the year before, and that didn’t happen well. I’m still thinking and praying about it, but now that you’ve put the 5 minute thing to it…it seems that it would be more doable. Much to think on!! 🙂
Love your words this morning. <3
This challenge is awesome. However, I will be on a cruise in the middle of October and there would be a whole week that I couldn’t write. Does anyone know how I can pre-write something and release on the days I will be away from the computer?
Hi Jodie .. Do you have a blog? If so, does your blog allow you to schedule posts? With WordPress sites, instead of clicking Publish Now, it’s possible to schedule a date and time for your posts to go live. Super handy! I hope you’re able to participate! Enjoy your cruise!!
I don’t think I can do 31 days! Can’t you do February instead!?! LOL!! I already blog five days a week and I enjoy my break on the weekends. Maybe one of these days when I’m not feeling so overwhelmed with other commitments, I can try one of these challenges.
I have done the 31 Days of…the last two years. Have not yet landed on what to do this year, but I do love your idea.
This is my first five minute Friday in quite a while (maybe once over the summer?), but it is always such a jump start to writing and remembering why I love it. The rhythm of fall is calling….
Thanks for cultivating this space!
Happy weekend!
Oh Kate, this was beautiful today. I am going to try for the 31 days. I write most days, although it will be fun to keep it to five minutes!! Your mom sounds like she was an amazing woman. So grateful your shared your story today.
I hope I’m ready for that kind of commitment/challenge.
I’m going to say “yes!” and pray I can meet it.
Love the idea.
Thank you!!!!
here is my post for my five minute friday post.
I am also going to take the challenge in October!! can’t wait!!
I LOVE the challenge of doing 31 days of five minute prompts! What a great idea.
Thanks for hosting FMF. I just love this word, and all the many directions people ran with it. I was late to link, but am enjoying catching up. Have a nice week!
Kate, I try not to read until I write. (habitual late girl here). So I just read this. and it is beautiful. I wish I could hug your neck through the screen. Thank you for sharing your heart, and the sweet sweet image of the reunion in Heaven with your mom.